

今天给大家带来的是暗黑界的萝莉美少女,同时也是业界劳模——星奈爱。星奈老师在2017年的时候以单体企划女神的身份出道,她以清新的气质以及偶像般的外表,一亮相就获得了不少人气,虽然车灯不算大,但有些就喜欢这种。(Hello, this is Xiao API, now it's time to share English learning again!Today brings you is the dark world girl beauty girl, but also the industry model - star nai love. In 2017, She made her debut as a single planning goddess. With her fresh temperament and idol-like appearance, she gained a lot of popularity as soon as she appeared. Although the headlights are not big, some people like it. )

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星奈爱,出生日期:1995年10月29日,身高:156cm,星奈长相清新脱俗,乍一看有一种初恋的感觉,而且她那份高雅的气质是很多人学不来的。星奈的身材线条优美,深得广大观众朋友们的喜爱。(Star nai ai, date of birth: October 29, 1995, height: 156cm, Star nai looks fresh and refined, at first glance there is a feeling of first love, and her elegant temperament is a lot of people can not learn. Star nai's figure beautiful lines, won the majority of the audience friends love. )最重要的是,星奈几乎不挑工作的,许多女神排斥的剧本,她都愿意尝试,如此敬业乐业的态度,也使得她广受群众的一致好评,出道仅仅一年时间,作品就超过了100部,到2020年底作数量就超过了300部,堪称业界劳模。(Most importantly, Star nai almost do not pick work, many goddess rejected the script, she is willing to try, so dedicated attitude, also makes her widely praised by the masses, debut only a year, the work is more than 100, to the end of 2020 to make the number of more than 300, can be called the industry model. )星奈老师巅峰的时期曾经一个月可以发布10部作品,一年超过100部,要是说能坚持一年业界这样的是大有人在,要是坚持三年的话,那可是相当了不起了。(At the peak of teacher Xing Nai, he could release 10 works in a month, more than 100 works in a year. There are many people in the industry who can persist in this way for a year. If they persist in three years, it is quite remarkable. )

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而且小爱老师对拍摄的题材也没有很高的要求,从高中生演到人qi,小爱老师基本上可以胜任所有的人物形象。(Moreover, Teacher Xiao Ai does not have high requirements for shooting subjects. From high school students to qi, teacher Xiao Ai is basically competent for all characters. )

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至于星奈老师出道的契机,根据她自己透露:她是想找一份“不怎么上班也能赚钱的工作”。原来她在毕业之后,也曾进入某企业实习就业,但很快就厌倦了每天忙碌的生活,于是她就自己跑到了事务所应聘。(As for the beginning of Ms Hohenai's career, according to her, she wanted to find a job where she could earn money without working too much. It turned out that after graduation, she had also entered an enterprise internship employment, but soon tired of the busy life every day, so she went to the office by herself. )

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星奈老师在2018年上半年拿下了FANZA作品销量排行榜的第二名,2019年3月获得了FANZA颁布的最优秀奖。在2018年,整个暗黑界的话题人物就两个一是我们的星奈老师,另一个是2018最强新人,暴躁少女——樱空桃。(In the first half of 2018, Hoshina ranked no. 2 on FANZA's sales list, and in March 2019, hoshina won the Award of Excellence issued by FANZA. In 2018, the topic of the whole dark world is two characters: one is our master Xingnai, and the other is 2018's strongest newcomer, the fiery girl -- Sakura Kong Tao. )

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星奈老师在2019年3月休业之后,仅仅休息了半年的时间就回来了,而她这次为了自己的身体健康着想选择加入了Premium,并且是专属偶像的身份,星奈老师的作品也就少了许多。(Xingnai teacher took a break in March 2019 and came back after only half a year's rest. However, this time she chose to join the Premium for the sake of her own health and the status of exclusive idol, so xingnai teacher's works are much less. )

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当然说起星奈老师,不得不提的是她那一段“轰轰烈烈”的爱情故事。在2018年的时候,星奈老师突然在推特上发了一张“腿上有多条血痕”的照片,接着又发了很多张她和一位男子的合照,自爆她是因为供养这位男友才下海的。(Of course, speaking of Star Nai teacher, have to mention her that a "vigorous" love story. In 2018, Hohenai suddenly tweeted a picture of "multiple blood marks on her legs", followed by a series of pictures of herself with a man, claiming that she had gone into the sea to support her boyfriend. )

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所以星奈老师这么辛苦拍作品的原因其实很多人都知道,因为她喜欢上了一位夜店的牛郎,而且这个男人还非常喜欢奢侈品。(So star nai teacher so hard to shoot the reason is actually a lot of people know, because she liked a night club cowhand, and this man is also very like luxury goods. )

而我们的星奈老师也算是被情所困吧,据说平时的花费都是星奈老师掏钱,由于这位男友很喜欢名牌,星奈老师常常是一砸就是100w日元以上,可没想到最后男友还是劈腿。(And our star nai teacher is also trapped by love, it is said that the usual costs are star nai teacher money, because the boyfriend likes famous brand, star nai teacher is often a hit is more than 100W yen, but did not think of the last boyfriend or cheating. )

很多司机都给星奈老师打抱不平。但是现在星奈老师已经脱离了苦海,从那一段悲痛的经历中走了出来,希望老师未来会越来越好吧。(A lot of drivers complain about Mr. Hohenai. But now The star nai teacher has been out of the sea of suffering, from a period of sad experience to come out, I hope the teacher will be better and better in the future. )
